Howdy! I hope this fine Thursday finds you all well. I, for one, am enduring a rough cold. The kind that makes your nose feel like broken glass. The kind that fills your chest with thick, yellow slime. While I know that these symptoms are our body's way of defeating evil viruses, I have no patience for it. However, when you start to feel better it does feel somewhat worth it. Everything has a glow about it, like you can do anything. Unfortunately I'm at least three days from this great feeling. So, yeah. Pretty tired. What gets me out of bed and pumped up, even through my sick malaise, is this excellent episode, where we meet Leatherhead for the first time. BOOM! (Maybe I am feeling better...).

For this episode, we review
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1, #6 and
Usagi Yojimbo Vol.1, #10 - "Leonardo in: The Crossing". Other somewhat random topics we cover include Ryan's slow conversion into a 50's housewife, A fan dream where Eric dies and Ryan can't deal with it (sanely, at least), a deep conversation on how it feels when a friend from the past turns out to be gay, Facebook etiquette, the greatness that is The Ultimate Warrior, and toy talk.
Hope you find this episode to your liking! Check us out on iTunes (review and subscribe!), send us an old fashioned email at , and join our awesome Facebook group.
DOWNLOAD: Episode 20 - Havin' Some Sport With the Fat One!
NEXT WEEK: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Episodes 1 - 4.
The Ultimate Warrior... a bundle of sports equipment away from Casey Jones!