OH SNAP! I'm sitting here, jamming the new Justin Timberlake album (The 20/20 Experience), and thanking whatever deity is applicable that JT is back and making music again. I look at this and sometimes take a step back thinking "Man, if 2001era Ryan could see you now, he'd take a copy of The Stooges 'Funhouse' and shove it up your ass!". And that's totally true. I abhorred any kind of pop music then. Total punk. But that's the great thing about age and experience: learning that the world of music has much more to offer once you get past your pretension...
By the way, this is Episode 17 of our little podcast. In it we cover
Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1, #14, open up Domestic Danny's Bag of Tricks (and welcome a special guest) with
Turtlemania Special #1, and finish up with
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1, #4.

We also discuss how Eric managed to catch his stove on fire, pictures of the new TMNT figure wave (including Rat King), the new Masters of the Universe ongoing from DC, Ryan hits a mini review of the new IDW TMNT title 'The Secret History of the Foot Clan', and trash Superior Spiderman some more because, well, it's fun.
Hope you enjoy the episode, folks. Don't forget to check out our Facebook group page, rate, review, and suscribe to the ol' iTunes, and keep those emails coming at turtlesoupshow@gmail.com !
DOWNLOAD: Episode 17 - I Am The Rat King... I Can Do Anything...
Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1, #15,
Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1, #5, and the TMNT First Wave Figure Special!
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