Hey, guys! I wanted to take a moment and introduce you to our new sponsor - SUPER EXCITE: A Freakin' Awesome Comic Book Magazine! Headed up by our good friend Joe Martin, SUPER EXCITE's goal is to fill the role of a magazine covering comic news in a post-Wizard world. Essentially, it's a fan based, bi-monthly online magazine dedicated to review of all things comics and toys. Both Eric and I are featured in this first issue contributing trade reviews, columns, and toy reviews. Inside you'll also find a helpful feature on surviving your first Con experience, a review of Bendis' All New X-Men, interviews with indie artists, and much more. You can go to www.superexcitemag.com to download the premier issue and find out how to contribute if you're interested. Get EXCITE!

DOWNLOAD: Episode 32 - The Inside Story...
NEXT WEEK: Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1, #27 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures Vol.1, #7.
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