Monday, April 29, 2013

Episode 26: Jessica Hahn and the Slash For Cash... Dojo.

Writing these blogs can be awesome when you really have something to say. However, they can be mystifying if your mind is running up blanks. Politics? Nothing of note. Funny stories? They're in the podcast. Show news? Wait... I got it! OUR NEW CONTEST! 

Now, you may ask yourself, who won the last one? Remember, the turtle naming one? Well, honestly, we don't know. All of the suggestions were awesome, but we got so wrapped up in trying to get the show current and dealing with the incredible delay of releasing episodes well after we recorded them, that we kind of lost track. Not to mention I haven't seen the turtles in my pool for a while now. Hope they're okay.

The new contest, however, is legit. What are the stakes? Well, you could win a copy of Mirage Vol.1, #8, my friends. All one must do is visit the the Facebook page and caption a funny frame we pulled from one of the 4 TMNT Adventures we covered in this episode. Check out the page and submit your wit! 

On this 26th episode of the podcast we cover  Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol.1, #19 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures (Ongoing) #1-4. Also, we discuss the new wave of TMNT figures coming soon, some practical joking that went down concerning a false pregnancy scare, the Tampa Con overcrowding disaster and the resulting exploits of Merle Haggler himself!

DOWNLOAD: Episode 26 - Jessica Hahn and the Slash for Cash.... Dojo.

NEXT WEEK:  Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol.1, #20 and 21. Also, Totally Tubular Turtle Toy Talk!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Episode 25 - IF. GET. SERIOUS!

      This whole thing lined up way too serendipitous, if you think about it. We hit our 25th episode and through absolutely no arrangement on our part, we wind up covering one of the most iconic moments for the TMNT and, indeed, the history of video games. So we made a little party out of it and invited some friends to sit in with us and have a good time. And it all went so well. These things don't seem to happen often in life; moments when fate kind of smiles on you and takes a break from setting its myriad hurdles in your path.

Forgive me for the little Danny Tanner moment we're about to have here and listen: THANK YOU. Each and every one of you who have listened, reached out to us, joked around with us, and generally helped to make this show so much fun to do. There are a million and one podcasts you could be listening to when you decide to listen to ours and that time you invest isn't taken for granted. We have been hatching some ideas for what we want to do for #50 and many of them include you guys, so be ready! Wanna crack open this episode yet? Let's do this!

      In celebration of our landmark 25th episode, we play through and review the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade Game. For our opener we are joined in studio by a few friends of the show live in the studio. Later, we finally welcome resident video game expert and good friend of the show Mr. Joe Martin to join us as we commence a thorough look at the game, level by level. Throughout the excite-fest we muse on the TampaCon overcrowding disaster, news concerning the new TMNT series, the return of Merle Haggler, and a Lightning game that nearly came to fisticuffs. Saucy! 


NEXT WEEK: Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Vol.1, #19 and TMNT Adventures (Ongoing) #1-4.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Episode 24 - Accidentally Asian as Fuggg...

      Anyone else excited about baseball? I know I'm a nerd and all (I guess...) but I'm unapologetic about my love of sports. I love em. I get as nerdy about my teams as I do about certain comic creators or my favorite engineers. For being a group of people who are generally made fun of and mocked for their interests, you'd be surprised how much animosity you can get from so called nerds when you bring sports up at all. I guess it's kind of like breaking into German at the neighborhood barbecue in 1944; I'm using the language of their oppressors. Not everyone has the same interests, and that's what makes this life diverse, right? It's just funny to me how quickly we forget about that principle, myself included. Go Rays!

   On this episode we cover Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol. 1, #17 and 18. And as always, we slide over and converse about ghost stories (again), butchering whole chickens, our trip to MegaCon 2013, and the ethics behind vinyl scalping and speculation.

DOWNLOAD: Episode 24 - Accidentally Asian as Fuggg...

NEXT WEEK: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game!!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Episode 23 - "Wait'll You See My Tech..."

      Moving scary fast at this point, guys.

      On this, our 23rd episode, we complete our coverage of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Season 2 by reviewing Episodes 9 - 13. We also manage to touch on a fan's encounter with April O'Neil, our hype for the upcoming Orlando MegaCon, and the new Dark Tower novel by Stephen King. 

NEXT WEEK: Eastman and Laird's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1, Issues #17, 18.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Episode 22 - "Wow, You're a Regular Abe Lincoln..."

      I think summer has arrived. At least here in Florida. When you've lived here your whole life, you grow to have a strange love / hate relationship with the heat. When seemingly everyone else in every part of America is enjoying "Fall", you sit in the broiling heat until at least January. From about January to March the weather is typically nice, getting downright damp and freezing some nights.

      It is during this time, while seemingly every part of America is complaining about snow and blizzards that you seem to think you've come out ahead. It's February and the high is 65 degrees, without a cloud in the sky and a slight cool breeze. Eventually, however, the heat comes back. It always does. But, there's still something about the first summery day, which here in the Sunshine State isn't so much dictated by a decisive date as by the first day you do something summery.

      In my case, it was mowing the yard, breaking a sweat, and then hopping in the pool. After I had dried off, pork shoulder had just come off the grill. It was in this moment, eating barbecue and drinking sweet tea, that I realized summer had come into full effect. I know that soon I'll curse the heat and jump from one air conditioned bubble of temperate sanity to the next, with both eyes fixed firmly on the promise of January's cool air, but for now I think I'll try to make the best of it. I SPIT HOT FIRE!!!  

      For our 22nd episode, we continue our wall-to-wall coverage of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Season 2 by reviewing Episodes 5 - 8. Other topics touched on include Ryan's interactions with the Urban Coyote, fan emails both celebrating the Turtles live experience and bringing to light some unintentional hilarity concerning a certain word used on the show, whether Fluke Man from The X-Files is scarier than Slenderman, and some analysis of the first trailer for Activision and Redfly's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows.

DOWNLOAD: Episode 22 - "Wow, You're a Regular Abe Lincoln..."

NEXT WEEK: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Season 2, Episodes 9 - 13.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Episode 21- Art, Art of Art, Aartvark.

      Hello, all. I hope everyone's Easter (regardless of denomination) was excellent. Things over here at the Turtle Soup camp are great. We're getting closer and closer to being caught up and getting these episodes out of the can. We're talking about Valentine's Day and it's April. Not bad. Not bad at all...  

      On this, our "heaping spoon full" 21st episode, we review the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Season 2, Episodes 1-4. Other interesting topics we discuss include Eric's lavish Valentines Day spending, polarized opinions on mayonnaise, our continued hype up for MegaCon, and the insanity that is Raph "ON THE ZIIIIPLIIINE!". Be sure to check out our Facebook group and iTunes, peeps!

DOWNLOAD: Episode 21 - Art, Art of Art, Aartvark.

NEXT WEEK: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Animated Series (1987) - Season 2, Episodes 5-8.